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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

Table of Contents
Volume 7, Issue 4, pp. 451-601

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Some a Priori and Isoperimetric Inequalities Associated with a Class of Boundary Value Problems for Doubly Connected Domains

L. E. Payne and R. P. Sperb

pp. 451-460

Regularization and Approximation of Second Order Evolution Equations

R. E. Showalter

pp. 461-472

Causality of Time-Varying Nonlinear Operators and the Extendibility of Their Domains

Reuvan Meidan

pp. 473-480

The Resolvent Kernel of an Integrodifferential Equation in Hilbert Space

Kenneth B. Hannsgen

pp. 481-490

Oscillation and Asymptotic Behavior of Solutions of Third order Differential Delay Equations

L. Erbe

pp. 491-500

Orthogonal Polynomials in Two Variables. A Further Analysis of the Polynomials Orthogonal over a Region Bounded by Two Lines and a Parabola

I. G. Sprinkhuizen-Kuyper

pp. 501-518

Growth and Uniqueness Theorems for an Abstract Nonstandard Wave Equation

Brian Straughan

pp. 519-528

On Hypergeometric Series Well-Poised in $SU(n)$

W. J. Holman, III, L. C. Biedenharn, and J. D. Louck

pp. 529-541

A New Approach to the $H$-Equation of Chandrasekhar

Richard W. Leggett

pp. 542-550

Some Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems

Hendrik J. Kuiper

pp. 551-564

A Model of Single Species Population Growth

K. E. Swick

pp. 565-576

Isolated Singularities in Steady State Fluid Flow

Victor L. Shapiro

pp. 577-601